Many parents find it difficult to manage their children’s behaviour. As children get older, some parents lose confidence in their ability to parent their child.
Lack of firm boundaries and appropriate discipline may lead to children:
- refusing to go to school
- displaying anti-social behaviour
- getting involved in criminal activities
- misusing drugs/alcohol.
In some instances this can lead to parents having to deal with the legal system, leaving them feeling confused and angry.
How can we help?
Slough’s Youth Offending Team’s (YOT) parent support service works with parents in three ways:
1. Parenting contract
Entering into a parenting contract means agreeing the support offered by the YOT. The contract is drawn up between the parent/carer and the YOT, and is signed by both parties. It is not compulsory, but refusal to engage when need for support or guidance has been recognised could be used as evidence in Court when applying for a Parenting Order
2. Voluntarily
Many parents want and may even ask for support. The YOT may work with parents on a voluntary basis without using a contract or order
3. Parenting Order
If the parent is unwilling to cooperate, but the need for support has been assessed, the YOT can apply for or recommend a Parenting Order from the Court. Slough Children’s Services Trust | YOT Parenting Support | SlR | V 2.0 | 06/02/17
What support can we offer?
The YOT can offer support and guidance in a number of practical ways:
- Parenting wisely is a one-to-one nine week interactive programme that helps parents to find different ways of dealing with typical conflict situations in the home
- Living with teenagers is a seven week programme based on the social learning theory that negative behaviours can be unlearnt. In a group, or one to one parents can share their experiences and learn how to improve their relationship with their teenagers
- The family links nurturing programme is an intensive ten week group programme offering support to parents with general family issues. The programme is aimed at parents with young children
- Parallel parenting support is for both the parent and young person. The aim of the support session is to encourage two-way communication between parent and child and help improve their relationship
- Parents can seek weekly support sessions to talk about problems they may be experiencing. The sessions offer parents the chance to discuss their concerns in a supportive and non-judgemental environment.
How can the support sessions help parents?
- Recognition – parents are helped to identify the problem behaviours and look at the possible triggers and resulting consequences
- Support – by sharing their experiences parents generate enthusiasm and support for each other
- Tried and tested – previous attendees have reported positive outcomes from the programme and have been able to put the theories into practice successfully
- Good to talk – communication is improved at home and relationships are made stronger
- Fun – help parents to re-discover that families can be fun
- Building relations – helps with communication especially with family members.
If you have any complaints about the service you receive, please take this up in the first instance with your YOT officer. If you remain dissatisfied please write to:
Slough Youth Offending Team
Observatory House
25 Windsor Road
Contact us
See address above
Phone: 01753 522 702
Slough YOT aims to provide a service that is fair to everyone. We will not accept racist, sexist, other offensive remarks or behaviour from staff members or young people.
We also want a healthy work place, so smoking is not allowed in our offices. We will not see people if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.