Following a recent Ofsted inspection, Slough Children First’s Breakaway respite home has once again been rated good!
The children’s home has met requirements for a good rating after being able to show that it ‘sustained effectiveness’ in its last inspection in February 2020.
Inspectors identified that when children stay at the home, they make progress. This is partly because our staff help them to develop their independence skills and work with them on their individual education targets.
Inspectors also found that the children’s achievements are acknowledged and celebrated, including personal and educational developments.
SCF’s staff have put a strong emphasis on getting to know each child as an individual and embrace the children’s diverse backgrounds and culture, helping them to feel valued, seen and understood. This includes using various aids to communicate with them, reading and acknowledging their care plans and learning key words and phrases of the children’s first/preferred language (if not English).
Ofsted praised the positive relationships our (Breakaway Team) have with the children in their care, including being able to respond to their emotions and being able to calm them down well, and the positive relationships in the team.
Inspectors said there is an ambitious vision for the home and demonstrations of high standards of care for children. They (the team) understand the strengths and weaknesses of the home and have a clear development plan in place.
We are incredibly proud of this achievement and the hard work put in by all staff.
To read the full report or see SCF’s Ofsted journey, please see here.