At Slough Children First, we celebrate the vibrant energy, creativity, and voices of our youth! We aim to empower our young people by providing positive platforms for expression, learning, and engagement in the community.

We have plenty of exciting opportunities to get involved! From helping to plan our annual celebration day, co-designing strategies, to joining the Corporate Parenting Board, we NEED you. Plus, all these experiences can boost your UCAS application when applying to university.
Check out all the exciting participation groups we’re launching:

If you have any questions, contact your Participation Officer, Zainab, at zainab.khan@sloughchildrenfirst.co.uk or YourVoice@sloughchildrenfirst.co.uk.

What’s Coming Up?
Winter Funday! Further details pending…
Aged 17’s and under: Wednesday 26 February 2025: Join us between 5pm and 6:30pm at Observatory House, 25 Windsor Road, Slough, SL1 2EL. Future dates TBC.
Care Leaver’s Council: Thursday 27 February 2025: Join us between 4:30pm and 6pm at Observatory House, 25 Windsor Road, Slough, SL1 2EL. Future dates TBC.
Our priorities
The six priorities (in our Corporate Parenting Strategy) that have been developed with you are:
- Supporting engagement and achievement in education, training, and employment.
- Ensuring that our children looked after, and care experienced young people have stable homes and the right help.
- We will listen and respond to the voice of our children, young people, and care experienced young people. They will help to develop and shape our strategic plans and delivery of services.
- Ensuring that our children, young people, and care experienced young people are healthy. We will help our children and care experienced young people to have access to help for their physical needs and emotional wellbeing.
- Developing a highly effective care leavers partnership to provide ongoing help in a variety of ways for them.
- Supporting children, young people and care experienced young people to have fun and have new experiences to develop their own interests.
Meet the Team
The Participation Team strives to empower children and young people to use their voices and experiences to improve the services offered by Slough Children First.
“As the Participation Officer for young people in Slough, my goal is to support you and ensure your voice is heard. I’m here to provide you with opportunities to share your ideas and concerns, and to help you actively engage in making a difference in our community. Together, we can work on the issues that matter to you, both locally and nationally, and create positive change. Your voice is important, and I’m excited to work with you to make it count!” Zainab
Are You a Care Leaver? Tell us how you’d like to be contacted…
Have we got the right contact details for you?
If you’re one of our care leavers, we understand that from time to time phones get misplaced, upgraded, or changed for your own personal reasons, but we’d still like to keep in contact you however we can!
If you think we may not have the right details for you on file due to a change, please let your Social Worker or PA know, and also mention how you’d prefer to be contacted.
You can also email YourVoice@sloughchildrenfirst.co.uk.
Get in touch
Participation: Text, call or WhatsApp your Participation Officer, Zainab, at 07591 990111.
Leaving Care Team: Over 16 and not able to reach your Personal Advisor? Please call 01753 476729 or email leavingcare@sloughchildrenfirst.co.uk.
If you need support after 5pm, on the weekends, or bank holidays, our Emergency Duty
Number (EDT) are available to be contacted on 01344 351 999.
If you are 16 or over you should complete the Consent form for care experienced young people to hear lots more about the different ways you can have your say!
National Youth Advocacy Service (sometimes shorten to NYAS) offers an advocacy service for you. This means an adult will support you to make sure that your rights are respected and your views and wishes are heard at all times. Find out more about advocacy here and also see the leaflets in the Advocacy box on the left hand side of this page.
Newsletters from over the years
Check out these newsletters to read what children and young people have got involved in and how their views have made a difference:
Reach Out Full Update APRIL2018
Reach out full update 2019
Reach Out update newsletter 2021
Space2talk update 2021
Compliments and complaints
Whether you’re happy about something and want to say thanks or would like to complain about something, please let us know.
You can email us at complaints@sloughchildrenfirst.co.uk or speak to our Complaints Manager on 01753 875825.
Please take a look at Let Us Know page of this website for more information.