On Tuesday 28 May, Slough Children First held its first Big Business Challenge Day, part of our mission to make sure the voices of children and young people are heard!
Our care experienced children and young people were joined by various members of our Corporate Parenting Board including Sue Butcher – Director of Children’s Services and Chief Executive at Slough Children First, Councillor Puja Bedi – Lead Member for Education and Children’s Services, The Mayor of Slough, Councillor Balwinder S Dhillon, Councillor Christine Hulme and various Slough Children First employees.
It was a chance for our children and young people to get to know each other, tell us how we’re doing as corporate parents and provide ideas for improvements.
It’s safe to say they didn’t hold back and we’re glad they didn’t because in order to be the best Corporate Parents we can be, to ensure they are Happy, Safe & Loved, Thriving, we need their input and for them to tell us what they want and how they feel.
All participants will receive an AQA certificate.
More information around practical support and information on entitlements were just some of the feedback that was given and we’ll be putting together a plan of action for how we can make improvements.
We hope this will be the first of many more events like this and thanks again to everyone that came along.