Please complete the following form and provide details for each child and adult attending the fun day. All of the details will be shared with the working group and will help us to plan the days activities and catering arrangements. Adult places are limited to two per foster family, residential home or semi-independent housing provider. All children and young people (aged 0 – 17) attending the event must be accompanied by at least one carer or key worker.
How to complete the following form:
SECTION ONE: Children in our care or care leavers’ details
Details of each child looked after must be completed by a carer or key worker. Care Leavers aged 18-25 must provide their full details along with a contact number and email address (if one is available).
SECTION TWO: Key workers, Foster Carers and Foster Carers’ children details
Please provide the details for each carer or key worker and each foster carer’s own children attending the event.
Lead Adult 1, please ensure you also provide a contact number and email address so that we are able to contact you with any further details before the day.
SECTION THREE: Slough Children First staff, partners and clients’ details
You will be asked to confirm if you are providing/supporting an activity on the day or how much time you can volunteer on the day.
Additional information – if any attendee has specific dietary requirements, allergies or medical conditions , please ensure accurate and relevant information is provided in the ‘additional information’ section.