All Children Looked After (CLA) must have a Personal Education Plan (PEP), which is an integral part of their care plan.
For children aged 16 -18 this forms part of the pathway plan. The PEP is an evolving record of what needs to happen for a looked after child to enable them to make expected progress and fulfil their potential.
The Virtual School Head should ensure that all CLA, under Slough Children First’s care have an up to date, PEP that:
- Considers their needs
- Focuses on educational outcomes
- Celebrates their achievements
Slough Children First uses the ePEP system, a secure database which records and files PEPs for Slough CLA.
Designated teachers and social workers will only have access to the children on their caseload to maintain confidentiality at all times.
Early years settings and further education colleges are not required to have designated teachers, but in early years settings this responsibility will usually be assigned to the lead practitioner for safeguarding. Across further education colleges, this responsibility is held by different members of staff; usually the course tutor or key worker for the young person.